Executive Health Coaching
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Health - the optimal condition of being that allows for the ultimate engagement
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Jesse Williams, MD (1920)
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Executive Health Coaching

Do You Have One Foot on the Gas and One Foot on the Brake?

"I bought new running shoes two weeks ago. They're still in the box."

"I made a food list to cook some healthy meals at home, but I haven't gone grocery shopping."

"I wanted to go for a walk at lunch time but, instead I went to a colleague's presentation."

Does it seem like you have the best of intentions to make a change, but somehow you always get side-tracked and it doesn't happen? You know how to move forward, but you're still in the same place?

I hear this often from people trying to get their health back on track. They know how to do it, but it seems that's not enough. Any change we want to make takes a little bit of "how to" and a whole lot of "want to".

Our first thought with any challenge is usually about HOW to do it. We can read more, learn more, ask more questions, get more support, but the real way to succeed at making a change is to think differently. Let go of what you know to make room for what's possible.

Forget what you've done in the past. You'll have to give up your to-do lists, your musts and shoulds, laugh off your fears, let go of distractions and the reasons why you haven't moved forward, and see your challenge through new eyes.

Try this. Imagine that you have already made the change you wanted. You did it! Stay in that thought and give yourself time to experience the feeling. Now, what is your life like? What about your energy? How is your day different? Focus on what you desire, rather than on how you'll get there. Connect deeply to the change you really want and then, slowly take your foot off the brake.

For more directions to better health email me at sherrie@getahealthcoachnow.com

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Sherrie Dutton, Executive Health Coach
Sherrie is an expert at helping professional people who put their health on the shelf while they built great careers, get back in shape, lose weight and gain energy. Join her popular Jump Start Health Coaching program and be back on track to better health.


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